商会携手Return Love Organization去洛杉矶儿童医院捐赠书籍、玩具等



        童年是种子,快乐是土壤,使童年茁壮成长;童年是小草,关爱是大树,为童年遮风挡雨;童年是小河,记忆是大海,把小河揽入胸怀,追忆源头的欣喜。今天是庆祝六月十一号美国儿童节,美国华人总商会携手Return Love Organization筹集资金,捐赠书籍和玩具等去洛杉矶儿童医院,为了我们的未来和希望献上一份爱心,送上一份温暖。




                    HanXuan “Emily” Liu

Today marks the celebration of National Children's Day, a day dedicated to cherishing the young ones who hold the key to our future. In commemoration of this special occasion, the Return Love Organization and The American Chinese National Chamber of Commerce have joined hands in a collaboration. Our collective mission is to raise funds with the purpose of donating books and toys to the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles.

As we came together, we gathered an array of books suitable for all ages, as well as building blocks and puzzles. It is with immense delight and a profound sense of honor that we seize this opportunity to extend our helping hands to children in need. Our heartfelt aspiration is for these young souls to revel in the joy of this holiday and experience the affection we hold for them. We hope that these gifts will bring smiles to their faces, serving as tokens of our love on this momentous occasion.

Regardless of the challenges they face, we want every child to know that they are never alone. May this day serve as a reminder that their well-being is of utmost importance to us all.

         ——HanXuan "Emily" Liu

